Tuesday, July 03, 2012

My Contribution to ds106 Radio

One of the recent assignments in ds106 was to work with a group to create an hour long show for ds106 radio. This was due shortly after we returned from ISTE12 so I was a bit concerned about getting it done. However, two and a half hours one evening and I had created my five minute segment (is that ratio normal?!?). My group chose to create a show called A Tourist's World. When thinking about being a tourist my mind immediately went to Istanbul, Turkey. (Our show aired tonight. I'll share a link when it's available on archives somewhere. There were some fabulous stories there.)

freesound.org was a huge help on this assignment. I began my piece with some soft waves of the Bosphorus River. As my visit to Istanbul was on the cruise ship when I worked on it, I wanted a ship's horn. Thinking of Istanbul made me think about the song, Istanbul, Not Constantinople which seemed like a fun bit to include here. When I think back to my (brief) time in Istanbul I think of the busy streets, crowded marketplaces, the call to prayer, and the prayers in the mosques. I decided to close with a bit about Turkish baths and the soothing sounds of the Bosphorus again.

I learned about layering the audio tracks, keeping one quiet at times. I didn't get it totally right, but I am learning. It was fun to plan the segment and to search for just the sounds I wanted.

We also had to create a radio bumper to promote our show.

For this I wanted to create something that immediately suggested travel. I began with the sound of an airplane taking off. Then I snagged the dong sound that happens when an announcement is made on an airplane. I followed that with a bit of the announcements about moving about the cabin and finished up with a bit of the announcement about remaining seated upon landing.

Again, fun to plan and fun to search out the sounds.

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