Thursday, January 09, 2014

Am I living what I value?

For the past month, since I was lucky enough to attend both annual conferences for VASCD and VSTE, I have been thinking about this question. I started a list of things I value and believe. When something strikes me strongly, I try to add it. 
So far, my list of things I value includes:
  • play
  • explaining one's thinking
  • student choice
  • student responsibility
  • reflection (for teachers and students)
Under the idea of things I believe:
  • testing is a lazy way to assess learning
I anticipate adding more to these lists, but for the moment there is plenty to think about. Over the next week I intend to reflect on each of these items and analyze how well I am actually living them in my classroom. Too often I think I get caught up in what I'm told to do, what others are doing, what is easy, or what I've always done, and don't do what I believe is best. That doesn't upset me too much, I'm human, but I do want to take some time to see where I'm going strong and where I want to focus more energy.
(And, to be honest, I want to spend more time writing as I have missed that and think it is important. Hopefully this will help me get back in the groove.)
Original with comments open here.