Thursday, March 06, 2014

More Gratitude

Tonight I am exceptionally grateful for a husband who makes sure dinner is ready when we get home often. Especially on days like today. Walking in and sitting down to eat when the girls and I are exhausted is immensely helpful. Otherwise, we would most certainly have grabbed something on the go tonight and this is more relaxing and healthy!
I'm also grateful for my public library. There are so many reasons I love our library system - I can put books on hold, even postponing the hold for however long I want, I can renew books online, I can even pick books up at a drive through window at one branch. At any given time I have around a dozen books at home and about as many on hold. My girls and I are currently listening to a book on CD from the library. Our next family read is from the library. I'm reading my next book club book from the library. It is fabulous.

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