Top 5 Books that Made Us Think
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (#7)
- The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin
- The Dangerous Book for Boys by Conn and Hal Iggulden
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (#5)
- Eragon by Christopher Paolini
Top 5 Authors that Move Us
(I haven't read anything by #3, #4, or #5. Again, I think I better get with it. I love Sharon Creech. Good for these kids for recognizing her genius.)
Top 5 Famous Virginians
(We study Virginia history in fourth grade so I figured my students would have lots of ideas here. Mostly they did, but I had to nix Abe Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, and Helen Keller. I let Harriet Tubman in, although calling her a Virginian is a serious stretch. And really, Stonewall Jackson is number two on their list? And William Henry Harrison makes the list at all? Are they crazy? No George Washington, James Madison, George Mason, Maggie Lena Walker, Arthur Ashe, Robert E Lee - even Harry F Byrd, Sr would make more sense to me. Oh well. I blame their fourth grade teacher.)
Top 5 Most Beautiful Math Concepts

- Challenge 24
- Square Roots
- 2 Teach is + 2 Touch Lives = 4 ever
- Multiplication
- Multiplying by 9
Top 5 Biggest Science Ahas!
- Atoms
- Animals
- Weather
- The sun is one of the smallest stars.
- Light
I'd love to see what other classes come up with. Then maybe I could determine if my kids are as strange as they seem or more like fifth graders everywhere.
You could also blame that crazy bird fourth grade teacher for the amount of fantasy on their author and book lists.
Hey, thanks for the link. I'll get you taken care of over at my place. Speaking of fantasy authors, I see that Madeleine L'Engle just died this last week. How sad! Her writing shaped much of what I read in my growing up years.
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