Monday, February 28, 2011

Fun with Tools

I finally got things together to add a new center to our free choice time. I put this picture up as an option for the kids without telling them anything about it. Of the first 5 who went to pick their choice for today, four picked this with no idea what it would be.

They loved it! I have a few remote controls, a couple of portable CD players and a DVD player, all of which are broken. I have six screwdrivers and two pairs of pliers. The kids loved taking the items apart. So far the joy all seems to stem from unscrewing screws. I hope eventually they will find some interest in what is actually inside the items. For now, I'm happy they're excited about it!


teacherninja said...

That is awesome. I had a corner of our basement when I was a kid with dismantled TV, phone, radios, etc. I used to play with that stuff whenever I was bored. I don't know what I learned from it, but it was deeply satisfying to my curiosity.

Frau M. said...

The Cubscout would love your class with centers like that! As it stands, he has a box of "mechanics" here at the house. What a super way to appeal to the diversity of intelligences in your class!

Jenny said...

Jim, I don't think my little munchkins are learning anything, at least not yet. But I hope they are also feeling it is satisfying to their curiosity.

Frau M, I've got to set up something at home for my girls. I'm not sure why that hadn't occurred to me!